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Deploy Your Website on Github Pages

The following guides are based on some shared assumptions:

  • The Website is inside the documentation/docs directory of your project.

  • You are using the default build output directory (.vitepress/dist).

  • VitePress is installed as a local dependency in your project, and you have set up the following scripts in your package.json:

      "scripts": {
      "docs:dev": "OSAVC dev docs",
      "docs:build": "OSAVC build docs",
      "docs:preview": "OSAVC preview docs"


All of the above files are present when you clone the repository, do not change them.

Build and Test Locally

  1. Run this command to build the docs:

    npm run docs:build
  2. Once built, preview it locally by running:

    npm run docs:preview

    The preview command will boot up a local static web server that will serve the output directory .vitepress/dist at http://localhost:4173. You can use this to make sure everything looks good before pushing to production.

  3. You can configure the port of the server by passing --port as an argument.

      "scripts": {
        "docs:preview": "OSAVC preview docs --port 8080"

Now the docs:preview method will launch the server at http://localhost:8080.

Setting a Public Base Path

By default, our site is going to be deployed at the root path of a domain (/).

Example: We're using Github Pages and deploying to, thus we set our base to /open-source-autonomous-vehicle-controller/.

base: '/open-source-autonomous-vehicle-controller/',

Platform Guide

GitHub Pages

  1. In your theme config file, documentation/docs/.vitepress/config.ts, set the base property to the name of your GitHub repository. eg : base: '/open-source-autonomous-vehicle-controller/',

  2. Make sure you have build the project using:

    npm run dev:build
  3. Now navigate to the base of the repository and commit your code and push it to your forked repo.

  4. Now for deploying your website follow the steps given below.

  • use the following command to add dist folder to the staging area
git add documentation/docs/.vitepress/dist -f
  • -f is required, as your .gitignore will not consider your /dist folder. Hence it requires for git to consider it as well.

  • Now run the following command in your terminal

git commit -m "Adding dist"
git subtree push --prefix /documentation/docs/.vitepress/dist origin gh-pages
  • This will push your dist folder to the gh-pages branch

  • Now navigate to Settings -> Pages



  • Set Build and deployment as
    1. Source -> Deploy from a branch
    2. Branch -> gh-pages


  • Click on Save

  • You can see the Link to your website:

View Website

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